My Near-Death Experience
In this time of extreme darkness I only hope that I can share a bit of light. After speaking with my brother who just finished reading my memoir, AFTERSHOCK, he encouraged me to reveal more in depth details surrounding my own experience with nea ...
More InfoThe World in Pause
We are making history right now battling an insidious and unprecedented novel virus, Covid 19, all around the world. It happened quickly, like a tsunami -- aggressively spreading like a dark and mysterious plague across sea and land threatening to ...
More InfoLove and Lola: A Mother’s Day Story
As a young girl and into my teens and even into young adulthood, I loved being with my mother and her sister, Auntie Myrna. Fortunately, I always had many friends, but I most preferred the company of my two strong female mentors. My mom and my aunt w ...
More InfoWhat Does Charity Mean to You?
Charity: Benevolence. Good will. Giving to the less fortunate. Not just money, but help and support when others less fortunate need it. Not just when the cameras are rolling and one gets to dress up and go to the ball and have pictures taken. Charit ...
More InfoThe Gift
I was recently invited to be on a reality-type show that promotes spiritual healing through telling your story and inspiring others. I met with the producers as well as the small select group of others who were there to share their own personal exper ...
More InfoThe Laugh
“Penny! Wake up!” I was laid out flat in my hospital bed, just days after coming out of a three-month coma, when I heard a familiar, wonderfully crass voice urging me to rejoin the living. “Penny! Did you notice I lost 15 pounds on SlimFa ...
More InfoChange is in the Air (and it’s all good!)
This Sunday is going to be an amazing day for me - I’ll be riding my 25-mile Challenge Tour for my charity Adaptive Adventures. This part of the year always means so much to me: It’s the change of the season; the colors are so rich and beautiful; ...
More InfoStamina.
More InfoWhat is the Opposite of Beauty?
What is the opposite of beauty? Ugly? Unsightly? I grew up feeling beautiful. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm sure that I wasn't as beautiful as I felt, but a healthy dose of self-confidence can be very attractive, mixed in wi ...
More InfoThe Silent Scream
It was a frigid, cold, snowy winter night. My still unconscious body was being flown back from the initial hospital where I went for help during my family vacation — the place I went into as a whole person and came out forever altered. My goo ...
More InfoThe Nightmare
The sound of sucking. Such a loud and foreign sound that I imagined there was a rat living next to me. Sucking on his food, growing larger. I couldn't move away. I was trapped. Sights and sounds. Sight. Three pairs of big black claws, so scary th ...
More InfoThe Woman Inside

All mirrors were removed from my sight. I was not to see myself as I was now, lying in my fifth consecutive hospital room after I had awoken from a 3 month coma. I grew up self confident about my looks. Not to say I didn't have insecurities, b ...
More InfoThe Book of Ross

In the worst of my recovery, all I wanted or needed, my single goal, was to be home in my own bed, laying in between my two kids, Ross and Sloan. After a long arduous journey, (7 torturous months to be exact), I was home for a reprieve. It was l ...
More InfoBeauty

Last weekend family and friends celebrated our daughter, Sloan, entering into young womanhood. The night of Sloan's party, I spoke from the heart-- the piece below is my written tribute to Sloan on inner beauty as well as blossoming external beaut ...
More InfoAdaptive Adventures

If you engage people, you can learn a lot about life experiences. It's like having a front row seat to the movie called life. I am sitting next to Sergeant Bryan Sands on a flight to Steamboat Springs, Colorado. We are both on our way to a ski ...
More InfoMom Stories

We love our kids. We want to see them happy and comfortable. Stay-at-home moms usually have the time and opportunity to bring a pair of dance shoes to school for their daughter who forgot them, right? In most cases, the task would be no trouble ...
More InfoSynopsis of SHOCK: a Memoir by Penny Fisher

Penny Fisher was on vacation with her family, packing to go home, when she began to feel ill and very disoriented. She asked her husband to take her to an urgent care facility, where they read her temperature at 104.5 and sent her by stretcher to t ...
More InfoA Funny Memory in a Very Serious Time

I was lying in my hospital bed, I had virtually come out of my long coma just days prior. I hear, "Penny! Wake up! Did you notice I lost 15 pounds on Slim Fast?" Jackie Derchact shouted at me from across my intensive care room. Jackie Eisenberg h ...
More InfoFriends

I am sure the luckiest woman to have all the amazing friends and support that I have. My girlfriends and guy friends are all wonderful, soulful, smart, wise, funny, loving, and giving. They have been there with me every step of the way on my journey ...
More InfoPenny Fisher Recaps Weekend Events Benefitting Adaptive Adventures

Hello everyone, This past weekend was magical for me. They say "giving is the best way to cure what ails you,” and give we did! Friday night was the fundraiser and kickoff party for the Adaptive Adventures Challenge Tour which took ...
More InfoPenny Fisher Talks About Adaptive Adventures

Penny Fisher speaks about Adaptive Adventures, an organization founded in 1999, that makes it their mission to provide progressive outdoor sports opportunities to improve quality of life for children, adults and veterans with physical disabilitie ...
More InfoPenny on The Steve Harvey Show

Steve: As a mom, your worst nightmare has got to be-- what would happen to your family if you weren't around? Well, my next guests say that after near death experiences, they literally saw the light. But they were brought back-- thanks in part to ...
More InfoSurviving and Overcoming

Six years ago, clothing designer and former model Penny Fisher was a busy mom of two on vacation with her family. Out of nowhere, she began to feel disoriented and ill. Within 24-hours she was on life support and her family was told to say thei ...
More InfoA Cautionary Tale

This is written with love and empathy for the beautiful children we lose by their own hand. I recently heard from an artist friend that his friends' daughter killed herself for no apparent reason. She was beautiful, popular, bright, and a cheer ...
More InfoMy Story

I died. Almost four years ago, one of my best friends, Jackie, flew out to see me as soon as she heard I had fallen into a coma while vacationing with my family. Just like that, one day I was fine, two days later I was on life support with 10% ...
More InfoFinding My Fashion Again

As I mentioned previously, I was a clothing designer in my past life. So aside from the pain and discomfort, the thing that really chapped me was not being fashionable anymore!!! I was relegated to wearing only wide toed lace up or Velcro fl ...
More InfoThe Drama Groupies

There are some women out there who love drama.They seek it out in their own lives They are the Drama Groupies. When there is a tragedy, their antenna goes up and they gladly offer you their services. Handy as this may seem, these are the same lad ...
More InfoThe Last Piece of the Puzzle

The last piece of the puzzle to putting Humpy Dumpty back together again was my fingers. Pam had found a medical artist on the internet named Greg Gion. Jeff took me there on a hot summer day, we were set to meet our friends at the pool of our summer ...
More InfoA Force of Habit

My parents, Roz and Don, were the modern day Ralph and Alice, they were opposites, even their blood types were incompatible, really and truly! At birth, I was given a full blood transfusion because of this difference in my parents' blood types. I ...
More InfoA Trying Feat

"She can only touch down on this area of her heel for a quick transfer to her wheelchair," he said arrogantly. " I tried to understand exactly how I was supposed to climb down from this tall hospital bed without the use of my other foot, or hands ...
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